Pigeons Are Amazing!

When people think of pigeons, they don’t think of pigeons that look like this. Nullam lorem nisi, posuere quis volutpat eget, luctus nec massa. Pellentesque aliquam lacinia tellus sit…
When people think of pigeons, they don’t think of pigeons that look like this. Nullam lorem nisi, posuere quis volutpat eget, luctus nec massa. Pellentesque aliquam lacinia tellus sit…
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Some local pigeon enthusiasts showed their enthusiasm for pigeons by holding the first annual “Pigeon Beauty Contest”. If you are struggling to imagine just what a pigeon beauty contest…
A Chinese shipping magnate acquired a Dutch pigeon at a whopping $328,000, setting a world record for the priciest pigeon ever sold, according to the international pigeon distributor that…
A world record was set when a high velocity pigeon shattered the previous world record for fastest completion of a pigeon race. The impressive bird reached speeds up to…
You may be surprised to learn that the fastest racing pigeons in the world are not used for racing — it would be too expensive to lose them — but…
Some birds are naturally gifted. But most birds require dedicated training to fully foster their talent. The Sports School for Pigeons is the best in the business. The school…
Who would have known that one day the African green pigeons of the enigmatic and seemingly infinite Congo forests would ever need our help? Just the same as New…
Pigeon feeding has just taken a giant step into the 21st century. Electronic pigeon feeders are taking over the monumental task of the feeding the world’s very hungry pigeon…
A local gang of pigeons has taken hostage the marble sculpture in down town’s Cherry Tree Park. They’ve requested bread crumbs and seeds, but it’s unclear whether their bargaining…